IDEALSQUAD is the prime & most reliable destination when it comes to engineering services.
IDEALSQUAD company is managed by a long-term experienced professional that is well known to almost all of the Aluminium manufacturers in the middle east, especially Gulf countries.
IDEAL SQUAD was established in 2021 and it is a group of qualified and experienced engineers with more than 15 years’ experience in the field of Design, Fabrication & Installation of Aluminium & Glazing works.
During the past 15-years we had been involved in the design of many projects as an employed design engineer, design team leader, technical in-charge in FOLCRA BEACH, WHITE ALUMINIUM and ALUMINA.
IDEALSQUAD will be your Main partner and will perform as your own design office to provide you full support regarding the Design & Engineering of Aluminium & Glazing Works, which emphasizes the latest in the field of modern architect.